What is Overall score?

What is Overall score?

This metric shows overall potential of a creative to be successful and have impact. Thus it is used in reports for concept tests, video pre-tests and any creatives which have not been aired in population yet.

There are ways to boost or hinder the ad’s eventual performance when it gets out to the audience: through the generosity of budget used on media spends, the selection of media mix and channels used and so forth. Simply put, future success is not completely guaranteed just by achieving high Overall score. What this metric shows you is the following: how the creative itself is able to contribute to your communication goals.

How do we calculate Overall score?

Overall score is the average calculated from the KPIs of brand, need and emotion (average of their percentile scores). In detail, it is the mean calculated from total brand recall, category recall and total positive emotion, the three chapters’ key metrics.

How to achieve best score?

The higher the values of key metrics in brand, need and emotion chapters, the higher resulting Overall score. Therefore, you must put your best effort into getting branding, need display and emotion right.