How do we measure Brand Likeability?

Brand likeability refers to the percentage of people who associate positive emotions with the brand, whether they simply like it or love it.

To assess brand likeability, we ask, “How do you feel about the [brand name] brand?". 

Respondents select from five emoticons, representing positive, neutral, and negative emotions.

Once they give their response, respondents will be prompted to explain “why” after they report they felt this way about the brand. 

The likeability score is based on the percentage of category buyers who selected a ‘heart’ or ‘smiling’ emoticon to express positive emotion. The results also show a breakdown of other emotions by percentage, as well as a comparison between your brand and competitors.

We also include actual customer quotes from surveys, allowing clients to see direct feedback on what’s good or what needs improvement. We measure this by asking people to explain “why” after they report their feelings towards the brand.