Storyboard Video

A slideshow with a pre-recorded voiceover.

1. What does this format look like?

A storyboard video is affordable, easy to prepare, and a much more understandable format than an animatic.

 In general, people tend to misinterpret storyboard animatics as the final product, impacting the test results. That’s why in a storyboard video, your best bet is to use real, non-animated images. The audience can easily understand that it’s a work in progress, not the final thing.

2. What do the results look like?

--- screen z výsledků v platformě ---

3. How to prepare for testing?

We need a couple of things from you before we can test the effectiveness of your creative.

  1. Provide the storyboard video
  2. Define your product category
  3. Come up with the messages (brand associations) you want to test
  4. List your competitors
  5. Define your target audience

3.1. Storyboard video


  1. Create a video no longer than 60 seconds portraying your desired concept.
  2. Add a voiceover that provides further context for the viewer.
  3. Upload it or send it via e-mail.


Gather appropriate visuals.

💡 Provide your target audience with visuals relevant to your product or service.

Write a neutral script

💡 Prepare a voiceover script that objectively describes your offering. Avoid telling viewers what to think or feel – refrain from using subjective adjectives such as "beautiful", "delicious", etc.

Keep it engaging and understandable

💡 Make sure your voice-over captures viewers' attention while expanding on what you are trying to say with your concept.

3.2. Product category

💡 Try to be as specific as possible. Drill down to the product or service you are selling instead of defining a broader category.

Examples: energy drinks, chocolate, light bulbs, car insurance

3.3. Message

💡 A message is a short, clearly articulated idea you wish to convey with your ad campaign.

  1. Define a maximum of 3 messages. Less is better.
  2. A single message should be under 30 characters.

Examples: energy boost, time to relax, sweet 


Avoid including your brand.

cat loves the food
❌ cat loves Brit

💡 In our research, we also measure the association of key messages with your competitors. If your brand had already been mentioned in the message, respondents would only associate it with you. Therefore, you wouldn’t be able to clearly understand how well you fare among the competitors.

Avoid long-winded claims you might already communicate in your advertising.

✅ with a love for cats 
❌ Brit produces cat food with love

💡 We want to measure the essential thing you are communicating. People don't take away long messages from campaigns, but instead, a short association that goes straight to the heart of the matter.

Avoid multiple messages that overlap in meaning.

✅ health-conscious 
❌ health-conscious, healthy

Avoid multiple messages that overlap with a given category

✅ cat food, low-fat 
❌ cat food, low-fat cat food

3.4. Competitors


  1. Define precisely 4 competitors.

Examples: a particular brand (Starbucks, Coca-Cola, Hershey's, Netflix, etc.)

💡 Without knowing who your competitors are, we can't tell you where your brand stands on individual messages. It's important to know whether your competitors are also pursuing or already are associated with a given message.


Even if you consider yourself to be a small business, don't forget the large brands.

Don't forget to include brands with a similar proposition.

3.5 Target audience

💡 Define your target audience. If you plan on running a TV campaign, we recommend picking the representative online population. 


If you know your target audience to be smaller, feel free to define it more precisely.

💡For example–if you sell dog food, you can define your target audience to include only people who already have a dog. If you sell beer, you can define your target audience to include only people who drink alcohol. 

✅ Everything ready! What now?

Upload everything into the platform or drop us an e-mail with the contents you've prepared.

We'll make sure nothing is missing and start gathering data immediately! If we need further clarification on something, we'll let you know!