
A TV or digital ad, preferably less than 90 seconds long

1. What does this format look like?

Video testing is ideal for TV and digital up to 90 seconds, including short formats like 15-second sponsorships and bumper ads. 

While it's not suited for influencer storytime videos, this test works perfectly for most ad lengths."

2. What do the results look like?

3. How to prepare for testing?

We need a couple of things from you before we can test the effectiveness of your creative.

  1. Provide the video
  2. Define your product category
  3. Come up with the messages (brand associations) you want to test
  4. List your competitors
  5. Define your target audience

3.1. Video


  1. Provide us with the video, no longer than 90 seconds.
  2. Upload it directly or send it via e-mail.

3.2. Product category

3.3. Messages

3.4. Competitors

3.5. Target audience

βœ… Everything ready! What now?

Upload everything into the platform or drop us an e-mail with the contents you've prepared.

We'll make sure nothing is missing and start gathering data immediately! If we need further clarification on something, we'll let you know!