Initial Intent

A description of the main idea in several paragraphs with the option to supplement a mood board.

1. What does this format look like?

An initial intent format is perfect when you have several ideas and want to compare them against each other, even if you haven't developed a storyboard yet. You might only have a few written concepts, but it's enough to test which direction resonates best. This approach works well when you're on a tight budget and can't afford detailed visuals yet, but still want to see what might perform the best.


2. What do the results look like?

3. How to prepare for testing?

We need a couple of things from you before we can test the effectiveness of your creative.

  1. Provide the correct format
  2. Define your product category
  3. Come up with the messages (brand associations) you want to test
  4. List your competitors
  5. Define your target audience

3.1. Correct format


  1. Insert the concepts you want to test into the template.
  2. Add clear, easy-to-see images, even for mobile viewers.
  3. Enter the text without resizing or moving any text boxes.
  4. Maintain the correct format to ensure your concept can be accurately compared with others to keep the comparison consistent with our benchmarks.
  5. Upload it directly through the platform or send it to us via e-mail.


💡 Be descriptive and to the point.
💡 Avoid telling respondents what they should think or feel ("we see colorful ice cream that makes us all crave it") to stay closer to how the final ad will feel.
💡 Don’t describe things that won’t be in the final video or that the respondents don’t need to know ("...and here comes George Clooney, the main face of Nespresso").

3.2. Product category

3.3. Messages

3.4. Competitors

3.5. Target audience

✅ Everything ready! What now?

Upload everything into the platform or drop us an e-mail with the contents you've prepared.

We'll make sure nothing is missing and start gathering data immediately! If we need further clarification on something, we'll let you know!